dsr report template

dsr report template is a dsr report sample that gives infomration on dsr report design and format. when designing dsr report example, it is important to consider dsr report template style, design, color and theme. at this time the dam release is currently scheduled to remain at 500 cfs until 11:59 pm tomorrow (2/10). current flow from the dam is 750 cfs and at pineville the flow is 1030 cfs a cold start to the morning, made for a late start for most of our anglers. overall, based on the reports we received from our anglers today, some anglers managed to land a few fish, but most seemed to have a hard time finding fish with the continued high water. from reports we received from anglers today, it seems things fished similar to that of yesterday in the 1200 release with just a few fish hooked and landed, most of which were fresh steelhead with 1 brown trout reported in the mix. most anglers fortunate enough to find a couple of fish, but they seemed few and far between today with the continued surge of cold snow melt. with a bit more rain and warmer weather in the forecast, please be sure to monitor the scheduled dam release via safewaters.com/facility/lighthouse-hill. just a couple of anglers joined us over the course of the day, with early reports reporting little activity. this morning, after a few gusts of wind, things settled down and conditions were actually pretty good for most of the morning. from the reports we received, a majority of angler focus seems to be concentrated in the middle and lower sections of the property, with little reported from the upper sections. a few anglers expressed a difficult time finding fish today, but most indicated a good day with a mix of chrome and colored up steelhead in the middle and lower sections of the run. of those that i spoke with, in addition to enjoying the favorable conditions, most had a good day. temperatures are expected to drop a bit, but then warm back up around sunrise tomorrow and reach a high of 33 f by the afternoon. it’s certainly been nice to have few days of a consistent release, with the dam release remaining at 750 cfs, where it currently scheduled to remain until 11:59 pm tonight (1/2). an interesting day on the run, with varied results, but ultimately a “good” day to be out fishing on the run tonight and tomorrow’s forecast: overcast tonight, a few flurries or snow showers possible. nearly a dozen anglers fished the run today and those with whom i have spoken with had to work for them. one of the last guests to leave for the day stated that the two steelhead he landed had very bright colors. a few diehard anglers decided to take advantage of the low pressure day, and fished for the greater part of the day. at 8:00pm this evening the dam release will go from 500 cfs to 1500 cfs ( in anticipation of heavy rains tomorrow). based on the reports from the anglers we spoke with today, it was a day ‘you should have been here’ for quite a number of them. a handful of anglers joined us this morning, hopeful for the first day of the water drop. hopefully tomorrow we’ll catch a break in the weather, with temperatures are expected to steadily rise above freezing and little bit of sunshine in the afternoon. weather for tomorrow is expected to be just a bit colder, remaining below freezing for the entirety of the day. the flow from the dam is still at 1200 cfs but is scheduled to drop to 750 cfs at 9:00pm and the current flow a the pineville gauge is 540 cfs a fairly quiet day on the run, with just a handful of anglers joining us this morning. we saw a bit of melt and run off from the warmer conditions today, and will most likely continue to, with temperatures expected to remain above freezing with a bit of rain forecasted. reports from the anglers we spoke with varied, with about half of our anglers reporting no success, and half reporting a ‘pretty good’ day with some close to double digits numbers. cold temperatures and drizzle for most of the day are the conditions that our anglers had to endure, but those that hung in there were rewarded with a better than decent day. having put in the time today, most of our anglers were able to hook a few fish. the current dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 cfs until tonight (11/17) at 11:59 pm. a majority of our anglers joined us first thing this morning, with the run becoming far less populated this afternoon. that seems to be the pattern at this time of year. reports from anglers and our river patrol this morning indicated moderate success, particularly in the middle of the property, with a few salmon reported in the mix with the steelhead caught. quite a number of anglers fished nearly the entirety of the day, sun up to sun down, and that certainly speaks for itself. upper sections of the run reported light angling, with little to report. while the conditions were favorable the fishing seemed to be tough for many of our anglers, with a considerable number of anglers with a skunk. temperatures are forecasted to continue to drop, with a low of 34 f at the time of sunrise tomorrow. as we continue into the weekend, temperatures are forecasted to drop with a bit of rain anticipated as well. a bit of a damp and dreary start to the day, with on and off showers this morning. pm fishing report:  the bright blue skies with temperatures reaching 66 and light winds unfortunately did little to entice a higher percentage of fish to our clients than the morning report. pm fishing report:  with temperatures staying in the mid 50s and winds that were at times light and at others gusty, along with a recorded flow from pineville of 576 cfs, the afternoon fishing appeared to have slowed a bit from the morning report. with the leaves changing it is making for a very scenic backdrop and all in all seems like a great day to be out fishing. a bit of intermittent wind, but overall a pretty ideal day to be on the water, with plenty of overcast and moderate temperatures. lower most sections of the run reported the most angling pressure, with a minimal number of fish moving up and in this afternoon. only a few anglers reported salmon today, with a majority of anglers bringing steelhead to hand, with the occasional brown trout. reports from our river patrol indicated very little angling pressure in the upper sections of the property, with a minimal number of fishing moving through. conditions may not have been optimal with high water impacting the wade-ability, but most of our anglers persevered and managed to do pretty well. the weather forecast for tomorrow has periods of rain listed throughout the day with temperatures rising to the mid 50s. for tomorrow the weather a steady rain in the morning. actually, it’s a challenge to find the most descriptive term. middle sections of the run, echoed the reports from the upper sections, with light angling pressure steady movement, and a few steelhead in the mix. the middle of the run has a moderate number of anglers with the fishing ranging from good to slow. a few browns and steelhead added to the mix. this afternoons fishing reports indicate that the lower section of the run was the most active with a good amount of hookups. add to that excellent movement of fish throughout the day and we had a day that “it’s hard to ask for anything more.” kings and cohos were far and away the most abundant reported catch with just a handful of steelhead and browns falling 3rd and 4th in fish brought to hand. lower sections of the property reported similar activity to that of the middle section this afternoon with fish consistently moving up and through. tomorrow’s weather should be similar to today with lows in the mid 50s, highs hovering around 70, and a slight chance of rain. middle sections of the run reported moderate action, with a mixture of kings and some cohos, and a few brown trout in the mix as well. more fish were brought to hand, overall a lot more fish were sighted on the run, and the good news is that we had an increased presence of coho mixed in with the kings. nights have been a little cooler with water temperatures in the mid-sixties. from the upper stretches of the river, to the middle, down to the lower and estuary, fishing was reported as light to moderate, with kings once again being the most reported catch. overall, while not a banner day, the ratio of fish to number of anglers has continued to make for great days on the water. based on weather forecasts, we are looking at a bit of the same weather, and just a bit warmer than today. the middle of the run had the most action with lots of movement and a good bit of jumping kings. this afternoon the reports were less favorable with a few fish sighted here and there, a couple anglers brought one to hand, but a more consistent report of “no fish sighted”. some significantly more than other but sufficient  for me to conclude that there are good numbers of fish in the run. our guests reported that there was movement in the upper part of the run this morning with several kings being landed, numerous hookups and one brown brought to hand. about a dozen anglers joined us over the course of the day with the last angler leaving in the early evening. cool overnight temperatures and sunny skies with temperatures in the low 70’s contributed to making it a beautiful day on the run. the good news is the water flow from the dam was to go to 750 cfs beginning at 3:00 pm this afternoon. a few anglers took advantage of the beautiful weather and drop in water, but without success. the current dam release is 285 cfs with a reported flow of 308 cfs at the pineville gauge this afternoon. a bit of rain and a few thunderstorms were enough to keep things in the 80’s for most of the week. the release from the dam is currently at 350 cfs with a reported flow of 430 cfs at the pineville gauge this afternoon. with both air and water temperatures now on a steady rise, these anglers have continued to focus their efforts in the morning and early afternoon ahead of the heat. weekend storms brought a bit of much-needed rain to the area and left us with muggy weather the last couple days. water temperatures rose just a hair to about 60 f for most of the weekend. the last few days have brought cooler daytime temperatures and a handful of anglers to the run. the dam release is scheduled to remain at a release of 185 cfs until tonight (5/19) at 11:59 pm. with no rain in the forecast, i would expect the water level will stay at this level for a while. a bit warmer, lower water, with plenty of overcast made for what seemed to be a fairly productive morning for the handful of anglers that joined us for the morning into the afternoon. over a dozen anglers fished the run today and for the better part of the day enjoyed sunny skies. with the dam release adjusted to 750 cfs, a few anglers joined us first thing this morning with most joining us for the afternoon. dsr will remain closed to anglers today and open for office hours of 9:00 am to 5:00, with a current dam release for 2200 cfs. the fishing continues to be hot and cold, today, apparently a hot day for the handful of anglers we spoke with. at this time the dam release is scheduled to remain at 500 cfs until tomorrow night (4/26). conditions over the week continue to cool down, with quite a bit of rain in the forecast. temperatures hovered around 50 f for most of the day, with little to no wind, and some pretty good overcast. temperatures barely scratched 50 f today, with plenty of overcast, and a few showers leading up to the expected rain this evening. with air temperatures and water levels all over the place, its anyone’s guess what kind of steelhead fishing we will see this week. from the reports we received from the handful of anglers that joined us today, it seems to have been a miss, with nearly all anglers reporting no fish. with the water back up to 1200 cfs the crowd was a bit lighter today, and most fishing the morning given the temperatures and lack of overcast today. the majority of our anglers were unable to get into a fish today. needless to say, all called it a day ahead of the impending weather. chilly temperatures and a thunderstorm which gave way to clearing skies around 8:00am which stayed with us for the better part of the day with temperatures rising into the mid-60’s. with the rain that we received today i suspect that the flow from the dam will continue to be high for a while. most of anglers fished the morning, with just a couple joining us for the afternoon. the scheduled release from the dam has not been updated at the time of this posting (i.e. without even a tug – have to admire their perseverance under these conditions – the overnight low will be 36 degrees, with mixed rain and snow – the forecast for tomorrow is: windy. it’s difficult to anticipate whether we will see a continuation of the 1200 release, but more than likely with a bit more rain in the forecast for this weekend. again, it seems like most of our anglers were able to bring at least one fish to hand, and some a few more, with a majority of the fish caught being fresh unspawned fish. a few anglers joined us on the run today and were greeted with sunshine and above freezing temperatures. a majority of the anglers that joined us for the morning, into the early afternoon, fished the middle and lower sections of the property. a quiet monday for the the run, with just a couple of anglers joining us today. the current release from the dam remains at 350 cfs until tomorrow 3/14 at 11:59 pm with a reported flow of 453 cfs at the pineville gauge this evening. the release from the dam remained at 350 cfs, with a reported flow of 470 cfs at the pineville gauge this afternoon. about half of our anglers failed to “touch a fish” and the other half were able to get into a coupe at least.

dsr report overview

the last two anglers off the water accounted for a brown, a domestic rainbow and two steelhead (and they were tired) the scheduled water release has yet to be updated (@5:20 pm) and still calls for 350 cfs from the dam. the current release from the dam remains at 350 cfs, with a reported 482 cfs at the pineville gauge this afternoon. tomorrow’s weather will also have cloudy skies early followed by a mixture of light rain and snow in the afternoon. on tuesday, last day of the month, windy with snow during the morning then a mixture of rain and snow during the afternoon. the anglers today saw some action, one season passholder came in this afternoon, spent a couple of hours on the water, hooked 5 and landed 2 steelheads. the forecast for tomorrow is: cloudy and becoming windy with snow showers in the morning. cfs at the dam 750, cfs at the pineville gauge stood at 1030 all day – air temperatures started in the low 20s this morning, rose to a high of freezing, and is currently at 28 degrees and dropping – our snowfall last night had a crust of freezing rain, deposited early this morning . about a dozen anglers joined us over the course of the day. given the conditions again today, and the fish activity we’ve seen this week just a couple of anglers joined us for part of the day. of the anglers we spoke with today, no fish were reported to have been landed. it’s anyone’s guess what we might see happen with flows for the week here, with a bit of rain and warmer temperatures in store. the bright sunshine around midday seemed to put the fish off a bit and the wind coming our of the northwest didn’t help things, but still and all, it was a decent day on the run. a few anglers reported they eagerly headed to the bottom end of the property, but nearly stopped in their tracks with a mess of snow and ice damming things up quite a bit and diverting water in precarious places. today, similar to yesterday most of anglers indicated success in their outings, but with just a fish or two. overall, a bit cold, but with little to no wind it definitely made for a good day on the water for the handful of anglers that decided to join us. as i said i didn’t speak with everyone and there were a few that failed to get into fish, but that was the exception and not the rule. with dropping water and temperatures in the mid-30’s tomorrow, i would think it would be a good day to be on the run. it was a quiet day on the run, a handful of anglers had the place to themselves and reported a challenging day with the higher flows. it was a soggy day on the run but that didn’t stop a handful of anglers from enjoying a few hours on the water this afternoon. with that said, between the wind and the water levels, today seemed a little more difficult for most of our anglers than the last few, with just a few fish being brought to hand. this morning proved to be pretty productive on the run with a number of anglers reporting big & feisty steelhead on the line. two anglers took advantage of the dropping flows and as of 3pm, one reported landing a steelhead on the swing in the lower end of the run. the warm overnight temperatures brought a bit of morning runoff so the water was pretty stained. the majority of the anglers we spoke with today were able to get into a fish or two each, but today was definitely a bit tough of a bite, than the past few days. forecast for tomorrow: snow during the morning will transition to snow showers during the afternoon. as temperatures have begun to get colder and colder, the number of anglers on the run have lessened, with just about a dozen guests on the run today. for such a brisk day, the bright sunshine, and 32 f water seemed to keep most of the anglers warm down on the water. with a 1200 cfs release from the dam, things proved to be a bit more difficult for most of our anglers compared to their outings yesterday. while it is usually the case that after a period of high water, once it drops, it takes a day or so for the fish to re-settle and become active. temperatures in the low-40’s and a brutal wind made things challenging for our anglers today. with most of the action reported in the lower end yesterday, it was inevitable that we see some more action in the middle and upper sections of the property today. with the weather subsiding today, a couple dozen anglers eagerly set out this morning, hoping to take advantage of the lack of pressure on the run yesterday, and a drop in the dam release (back down to 500 cfs). for tomorrow intervals of clouds and sunshine in the morning with more clouds for later in the day. the forecast for tomorrow is: snow during the morning will give way to lingering snow showers during the afternoon. the forecast for tomorrow is: rain and snow showers in the morning changing to mainly rain showers in the afternoon. 4 pm river patrol fishing report: the cfs at the dam remained at 335, the cfs at the pineville gauge dropped from 777 at opening to 714 as of this report – what a difference a day made . chance of rain 30% daily fishing report: the sunny conditions and warmer temperatures made for a nice day, but kept the fish in the shadows. the bite was better this morning as guide rick stated that in the middle section of the run, he and his clients went 8 out of 14. the water temperature was 53f at 6am this morning. daily fishing report: this morning the fishing in the middle and upper sections of the run had some good activity, the average size of the fish seemed large in comparison to what’s been seen recently. the afternoon river patrol noted that the action had moved to the lower end of the run, with the middle and upper sections having some activity. note: time change on the 6th, opening at 6am and closing at 5:45 pm evening fishing report: today the upper end of the run saw the most activity, steelheads were hooked and landed along with a king. the afternoon has seen more action in the upper section, with steady movement of steelheads and a few coho’s. primarily steelhead but with some fresh salmon in the mix afternoon reports from the lower section of the river were similar to that of the upper section report with excellent fishing being reported. for tomorrow the weather will be a mix of clouds and sun in the morning giving way to a few showers during the afternoon. the rest of the run was mostly trickles of fish with some hookups, a brown was brought to hand towards the bottom of the run. am fishing report – a quiet start to columbus day, for anglers, and the fishing. the upper part of the run is seeing consistent hookups mostly coho’s and a small brown was brought to hand. lower end of the run is seeing a tough pick but hookups are reported with none brought to hand just yet. a brown and atlantic salmon were both landed in the upper and middle of the run, with a steelhead being hooked but not landed. anglers who put in the time and miles on their feet were definitely rewarded with fish but no means a “day to remember.” morning fishing report: river patrol is seeing really good action on the upper sections of the run with a 50/50 mix of kings and coho’s. the estuary reports decent pods of kings and coho but few fish are being brought to hand in that area. the morning fishing report from river patrol indicates good fishing in the upper and lower sections with a slower but steady pick in the middle of the run. river patrol and guests reported “great” and “steady” action all day from top of the run to bottom with a good amount of fresh cohos mixed in with the kings. the upper end of the run has seen the most hook-ups with 8 to 10 and at least 4 were landed, all kings. the lower section seemed to have a small but steady push of fish moving for the later half of the day with little pods of fish (1-3) moving up every few minutes and the few anglers who were down there took advantage. as has been the pattern of late, the early hours of the morning proved best, but today the fishing was more than decent in the afternoon with anglers reporting good numbers of hook-ups and fish brought to hand. overnight low will be 61 degrees, with the forecast for tomorrow as: intervals of clouds and sunshine. there were five anglers enjoying a mild summer day, one angler spotted a couple of salmon at the lower end of the run. we had one angler take advantage of a beautiful day and while he said that it was beautiful down on the water, he didn’t have any success with bringing fish to hand. a season passholder commented on the abundance of butterflies and birds, a great day on the water. a few bass and some fall fish were the only fish that were brought to hand today. a slight breeze kept things tolerable today and tomorrow looks to be a bit warmer with temperatures forecast into the mid-80’s. two anglers hit the run but didn’t have much to report after being on the water just a short amount of time. a handful of anglers joined us early in the day, trying to beat the heat. a lone angler fished the first part of the day and was able to land 3 smallmouth bass swinging flies. it was hot and humid on the run with a morning water temperature of 65f. one angler enjoyed having the run to himself this morning and was able to get into a handful of smallmouth during his half day on the water. just a couple of anglers joined us early morning to take advantage of the great conditions. with a dry start to the day, another three veteran anglers got after it, before all of this rain. with a release of 500 cfs from the dam, and a reported 700 cfs at the pineville gauge, things are still a bit high than usual for anglers, but manageable for some. flows are still up, with a release of 500 cfs and a reported 622 cfs at the pineville gauge. both of the anglers that joined us today were able to bring at least a few to hand. each angler covering quite a bit of water, the angling duo went bass for bass today, with 3 to hand, each. the anglers we were able to catch up with both indicated plenty of small mouth action, with a bonus steelhead in the mix for one lucky angler. with flows today at 350 cfs from the dam, it’s certainly enabled some of our anglers to stretch their legs and cover some ground. with ¼” of rain forecasted for tonight, the flowcast shows the dam release will continue at 1,200 cfs through midnight tomorrow 4/26. hopefully things will start to dry out here over the weekend, with a low probability of rain in the forecast. overall, a quiet day for the run, with just a handful of anglers joining us early this morning to get some fishing in. regardless of the fish activity, today was quite a comfortable day. not uncommon to see them towards the estuary at this time of year, always a few caught unknowingly. a few more days of this, and we might just see the water temperatures creep into the 40’s. another cool, windy day with some rain and a little snow to start the month off. there were several fish landed, a 15” brown was caught in the middle section and some anglers had success in the upper sections of the river. the weather for tonight will be cloudy with periods of rain. a bit of color to the water today, from some of the run off. with a 900 cfs release, for some, the river has become crossable allowing for more ground to cover, and hit some of the holes that may not have seen an angler in a while. a majority of our anglers stuck it out for nearly the entire day. the pineville gauge reading 1450 cfs at the time of this report, with a recorded water temperature of 32f today. the handful of anglers that joined us today reiterated the wind was just a pain in the bass. a windy start to the day was definitely, and rightfully so, a deterrent for anglers. fishing this morning was bone chilling, but also a bit messy with ice and slush to start the day making its way down through the bottom end of the river. a couple hearty anglers braved the bump in flows last night and were rewarded with a nice sized brown for their efforts. still, a handful of anglers came out to enjoy the day and a few were able to get into a fish or two. a handful of anglers came out to the run today, a few returning from that past few days. a warmer start today, with temperatures sitting at about 40 f for most of the morning. a majority of the fish landed today were reported to be dime bright steelhead, with a handful of rosy red cheeks in the mix, starting to earn their stripes. the trails were cleared this morning to each set of stairs and one angler enjoyed a few hours on the run this afternoon. the wintry mix turned over to snow midday and as of 5pm we have a fresh inch or two of snow on the ground. good news, today is the first day of february! the good news is the 10 day forecast has a stretch of days at or above freezing for next week. several of the anglers that joined us today indicated quite a bit of slush, and ice coming down for most of the day. tomorrow will be somewhat warmer with a low of -6f and a high of 23f, wind chills will be ranging between -14f in the morning and 12f by the afternoon. most of our anglers seemed to have a tough go at it today, most with success coming early this morning, before we saw the affects of the water drop. despite the ice shelfs, our pass holder was able to get plenty of good drifts in, and landed a few fish. with temperatures beginning to take a dip last night and accumulation of snow, regardless of a delay or not, today just wasn’t the day to be on water.

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dsr report format

a dsr report sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the dsr report sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing dsr report form, you may add related information such as dsr report today,whitakers fishing report,douglaston fishing report today,douglaston salmon run dsr report,oswego river fishing report facebook

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dsr report guide

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